Image Prep Guidelines

  • You can upload your images for image prep for your liveBooks8 site here. Please be sure to include your name and your email for identification.

When sending us your images, we need them in the following way:

1. Please create a folder (one for each portfolio) with your images. We don’t recommend adding more than 60 - 80 images per portfolio, as it will significantly increase the overall loading time. We will be resizing up to 500 images.

2. Move all your portfolio folders into a single folder labeled with your domain name. Zip this folder and then send this zipped folder to us.

3. We will resize your images and upload them to your site based on the named folders you send. The following will not be done as part of our image prep service:

  • Crop your images

  • Make any color/saturation/contrast changes to them

  • Add any Image Tags

  • Add SEO Tags to images portfolios

4. We will upload your images in the sequence in which you arrange them within your folders. You can easily readjust the image order via your Website Editor within your liveBooks8 account.

Please note that resizing small images to the recommended dimensions (2560X1700 px) will result in a low quality image that won't look good on the HTML website. Please take this into consideration before sending the images.

The file size limit is 2GB so if your .zip folder is larger than 2GB, please split your portfolios into 2 or multiple groups and upload the resulting .zip folders separately. If you have any questions, please email the Support Team at